Meet the Crew

Hello! Despite finding my creative side here, I am a full-time Veterinarian on the Goldie (Dogtor). If I’m not out the back gardening, you’ll find me sunbathing, napping or feeding my chickens.


G’day! I’m a film graduate with a special interest in cinematography and documentary filmmaking. Catch me in the surf, out camping in the mountains or gardening with Maddy.


Our Story

It was early 2019, three years out of the same high-school. The stars aligned and our creative, nature-dwelling selves became the bestest of friends. We adopted a beautiful kitten in 2022 and rescued three hens in 2023. We enjoy growing our own food and living as Earth-conscious as we can. Most importantly, we spend any spare moment appreciating and immersing ourselves in nature’s paradise.